bolt love

Maggie Reese ’17 & Robert Kirkpatrick ’17

To be Married in December 2020

The Story: We both met each other in 6th grade when we were in a play together. We were not super good friends during that time because I thought he was annoying and talked to much. Fast forward to freshman year and we were in Spanish and biology class together and yep nothing changed he still talked a lot. That summer we were in another play together and we started hanging out in the same friend group. During the March for Life, our sophomore year, we were on the same bus and he was one of the only people I knew on the bus. We had a three hour conversation about our shared love of Colorado, skiing, and snowboarding. From Robert’s perspective he said that this is when he started to like me and wanted to hang out with me more because he thought I was pretty cool.

Robert asked me to go with him to our Junior Homecoming. We both had a great time and agreed that it was the best dance we’ve ever been to. We continued to hang out together with mutual friends. A month or so later my dad received a call from Robert asking permission to date me. After a long family meeting my parents decided to allow me to date Robert. After our first date we both knew that we were meant to be together.

Having known each other since freshman year and even a little before we have watched each other grow up. We have watched each other go through the awkward stages of life the braces, acne, and bad hair days. We shared so many good memories throughout high school that it is fun to go back and reminisce with each other. What really strengthened our relationship was our Catholic faith. During high school, we attended mass in the morning, went to holy hours with other friends from Pius, and talked about what we were learning about in theology class. This helped us build a solid foundation for our relationship that was focused around our faith.

Life Update: We are both still in school. Maggie is finishing up her nursing degree at Bryan College of Health Sciences. Robert is studying software engineering at UNL. We will be getting married in December of this year and we are so excited!

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