bolt love

Lindsey (Bailey) ’98 & Matt ’98 Major

Married in 2007

The Story: The first time we talked to each other was at a student council car wash fundraiser in the Pius parking lot the summer before our senior year. During the volleyball season that year we rode to an away game together with friends.”

In September of our senior year we watched the movie “Braveheart” together at Matt’s parents’ house. After the movie we had our first kiss. We went to Homecoming together, then Turnabout, then Prom.

Piux X impact today: Yes. We still are fortunate to be able to practice our Catholic faith every day and wouldn’t have the family we have without it. Also, many of our friends from high school are still close friends to this day. We had high school friends in our wedding party and have them as Godparents to our kids.

Life Update: We live in Lincoln. Matt works for State Farm and I am a registered nurse who currently stays home with our younger kids. We have 6 children ranging in age from 11-2 (pictured).

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