bolt love

Jordan ’14 & Josh Borzekofski ’13

Married in 2017

The Story: We met though the Pius Trap Club when I was a junior and Josh was a senior. He started talking to me and we have been together ever since!

The first date: When Josh asked me out on a date one evening at trap practice

Piux X impact today: I think it makes us a stronger couple for sure! I would not want it any other way. We often reminisce about high school events, people and classes at Pius!

Life Update: Josh works at John Henry’s and I work at UNMC College of Dentistry. Our son, Jax is 18 months old and is a spitting image of Josh! We have two Labrador Retrievers, Colt and Kimber, who love to hunt. In our free time we enjoy spending time with family and friends, shopping and spending weekends on the family farm. We are members of Cathedral which is my home parish!

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