bolt love

Jamie ’95 and Andy ’95 Jakub

Married in 2001

The Story: We met in Mr. Scheffler’s sophomore speech class. It’s nerve racking enough to have to stand up and give a speech in front of classmates. Andy would make faces and do whatever he could during my speeches to embarrass me or trip me up. I apparently liked that!

Our first official date was the movie Jurassic Park.

Piux X impact today: It’s great. When we get together with high school friends we both have a great time. I love that we have the same Pius background.

Life Update: We’ve been in Lincoln our whole lives, in fact, in our senior yearbook I was voted most likely to stay in Lincoln. This annoyed me more than I can say at the time but we are happy here now! Andy has been with the same company since college graduation. He’s a Senior Digital Media Rep. I have been a stay at home mom to our four boys and just this year went to work at St. John’s. We have a fifth and an eighth grader there. Our oldest is a freshman at Pius this year and our youngest is in preschool.

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