bolt love

Ellie Beiermann ’16 & Jakob Andreasen ’16

To be Married June 2020

The Story: We had a few classes together throughout high school and then Jakob joined the track team junior year so we were around each other more. We went to prom together senior year and continued getting to know each other.

Prom senior year led to dating. We didn’t actually start dating until June after graduation.

About not dating until after high school: We both think it was for the best that we weren’t dating in high school because it gave both of us time to mature.

It’s kind of funny to reflect on experiences we had in high school because we were never really friends until the end of senior year, so we both experienced things a little differently with our separate friends.

Life Update: We are both still in school. Ellie will be graduating from Nebraska Wesleyan in May and starting graduate school at Union College in the Physician Assistant program in August. Jakob is at UNL working towards his engineering degree.

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