bolt love

Ann ’69 & Nick ’69 Cusick

Married 1972

The story: Nick moved to Lincoln from Fremont the summer before our Jr. year and was in several classes with me and starting hanging around with our “Student Council Group”. We even had an office on the west end of the 2nd floor!

On April 6th, 1969, Easter Sunday, 4 of the guys decided to ask some of us girls to go to the drive-in since we didn’t have school on Monday. One of the guys had a car that held 8 people so they called until 4 of us girls were available and started picking us up. I was the last one and sat next to Nick. Don’t remember the movie but we must have hit it off because not long after Nick invited me to the prom on May 23, 1969. The theme was “This Magic Moment” and 3 years to the day later we got married at the Cathedral. This year we will celebrate 48 years of marriage. Our oldest daughter Jennifer met her husband Jeff Rawlinson as lab partners at Pius and this July 4th they will be married 25 yrs.

Piux X impact today: Many of our friends also met in high school or college and have been married at least as long as us. Unfortunately at our age we run into classmates at funerals but we all had a ball at our 50th reunion last summer and are already planning a reunion the year most of us will turn 70.

Life Update: Last May I retired after 32 yrs of working at Morrill Hall presenting gallery programs for school classes. Nick is still working at Bison with our 2 oldest daughters and serving on many local boards. Goose hunting keeps him busy in the winter joined by 2 of our son-in-laws.

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