National Honor Society
2023-2024 NHS Officers
President – An Ninh
Vice President – Lucy Willis
Secretary – Avery Carr
Treasurer – Ava McCoy
Senior Representative – Jack Lang
Junior Representative – Dominic Tran
To be inducted into the National Honor Society (NHS), students must excel in various ways. When students become juniors in high school, if their academic grade point average is high enough, they become eligible for application into NHS. Grades alone, however, are not enough to gain membership. Students must also demonstrate excellence in the four pillars of the National Honor Society.
When a high school student enters into his junior year of high school, his grade point average (GPA) will determine if he is eligible for membership into the National Honor Society. To be considered, a student must have an 85 percent average. In many schools, the GPA must be 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; however, schools can raise the required average. Once elected, the student can not fall below that average. If he does, he can be removed from the organization.
Leadership is another pillar of the National Honor Society. Students should demonstrate leadership within the school community. Because NHS students become leaders within the school, they should showcase the ability to solve problems and act as role models for their peers. Positions within other organizations — such as student government, peer leadership and sports teams — provide students with opportunities to assume leadership roles. Students should also support and participate in school activities according to the guidelines of NHS.
Another pillar of National Honor Society is character, as students must be held to a higher standard of conduct. Students must conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Students should have no blemishes on their discipline records, and the faculty must consider them upstanding citizens. Teachers and other references are asked to rate students on a scale from one to four, with four being the highest score. A student with exemplary character makes decisions based on the rules of moral conduct.
The final pillar of the National Honor Society is service. Students must offer their time to the school or local community without any form of compensation. During their time in high school, eligible students should be able to show volunteer work or community service. Students should document these experience for the induction process. Once NHS members, students must continue their commitment to service by volunteering their time at school events and other community activities.
ARTICLE I – SECTION 1 – General Requirements
All Pius X students grades 10-12 will be eligible for admission into National Honor Society if they have a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher. Sophomores and transfer students who achieve a 3.75 GPA at the end of their 9th grade year or at their previous school will be eligible to join NHS as a “provisional member” with full membership depending on their completion of the following requirements by the end of their 10th grade year.
- Scholarship – Maintain their cumulative 3.75 GPA for the entire 10th grade year or the first semester of their 11th or 12th grade year if they are a transfer student.
- Character – Maintain their demerit cards with less than 10 demerits during their 10th grade year, or 5 demerits or 1 detention during the 1st semester for an 11th or 12th grade transfer student. No ISS or OSS permitted.
- Service – Complete at least 3 approved service projects during their 10th grade year. Transfer students must complete 1 service project during the first semester. All juniors and seniors must complete at least 2 approved service projects before May 1. An approved service project equals at least 2 hours.
- Leadership – Complete an activity record sheet which requires membership and participation in at least two student activities which include sports, club memberships, music and other approved school activities.
Students who fail to meet any of these obligations are choosing NOT to be a part of NHS and will not be inducted at Honors Night and will not have NHS recognition at graduation.
Article II : Membership
Section 1 – Membership in the Pius X Chapter of the National Honor Society is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate those qualities
Section 2 – All students must complete and submit at least 1 service and 1 leadership form by the end of the 1st semester to indicate their willingness to continue as an NHS member.
Section 3 – Candidates become full members when inducted at the Honors Night ceremony held in February of each year.
Section 4 – Transfer students must meet the Pius X Chapter’s standards within one semester in order to retain membership. A student who was an NHS member at the previous school must bring a letter or email from the Principal or Chapter Adviser at the previous school and shall be accepted automatically into the Pius X Chapter.
Article III : Discipline and Dismissal
Section 1 – Any member who falls below the standards of scholarship, service, leadership or character will be considered for dismissal from the Pius X Chapter of NHS.
Section 2 – The Chapter Adviser shall make the final determination as to the procedure for dismissal and discipline based on compliance with the written rules and regulations of the Chapter.
Section 3 – Members who fall below the standards that were the basis for their selection shall be warned in writing by the Chapter Adviser and must correct the deficiency within a reasonable amount of time agreed upon by both parties. In case of a flagrant violation of school rules or the law, a member does not have to be warned and is subject to immediate dismissal.
Section 4 – A member who has been dismissed may appeal the decision to the Principal.
Section 5 – Members may be placed on “Probationary” status due to the following conditions:
- GPA falling below a cumulative of 3.75. Members whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.75 at the end of the first semester will be allowed to continue in NHS during the second semester as long as they raise it back up at the end of the year. If they don’t their membership will be terminated. Non-members who raise their GPA up to 3.75 at the end of the first semester will be invited to join NHS as a “provisional member” and may start to work on their requirements immediately. All “provisional members” will become full members upon completion of all requirements.
- Leadership – Failing to complete Chapter leadership requirements by the end of a semester will result in a student being placed on probationary status. Members may regain full status if by the end of the following semester they have completed the required leadership requirements to correct the previous deficit.
- Service – Failing to complete Chapter service requirements by the end of a semester will result in a student being placed on probationary status. Members may regain full status by the end of the following semester if they have completed any service obligations set by the Chapter Adviser.
- Character – Students who are placed on probation due to minor discipline issues (demerits and detentions as per the Chapter By-Laws) may ask to be re-instated after 1 semester with a personal statement and 2 confidential letters of recommendation from staff or teachers given to the Chapter Adviser.
Probationary status will only be granted for a member’s first infraction. A member who fails to complete both the requirements of Service and Leadership at the end of the 1st semester can regain full membership status if all requirements are fulfilled by the end of the 2nd semester and meet the furlough requirements (see Section 8 below). However, any future infraction will result in permanent dismissal from NHS.
Section 6 – Probationary members forfeit recognition at Honors Night during the year they are completing their re-instatement requirements, but can receive all other benefits of membership contingent on successful re-instatement.
Section 7 – Student candidates who chose to complete none of the requirements of National Honor Society during their Sophomore and Junior years are not eligible for membership during their Senior year.
Section 8 – Student candidates that choose to defer entrance into National Honor Society may petition for furlough status. To pursue furlough status the candidate must:
- Complete 100% of the amount of required service that their grade level had to complete in the previous year, plus the required service for their grade level.
- Submit 3 letters of recommendation from activity sponsors, 2 of which must be from different activities.
- Volunteer for 1.5 hours minimum at “BOLT” in addition to their other service requirements.
- Furlough status applicants will not be invited to Honors Night, but may claim NHS membership on their resume contingent upon their satisfactory completion of all above requirements and permission of the Chapter Adviser.