No School - Friday, Feb. 21

Student Support Services

Pius X High School is committed to the implementation of inclusive practices which recognizes the student at the center of the decision making processes. We are committed to ensuring that students with additional learning needs are given opportunities that are challenging, stimulating and achievable. We also recognize that learning models for students with additional learning needs must be sustainable. To the best of our ability, Pius X High School uses the resources we have to ensure all students maximize their God given potential.
first day restore all things campus

  • Academic Coordinator who supports teachers and students with additional learning needs by maintaining an appropriate academic plan of support.
  • Committed school administration
  • Student Support Team that meets monthly to discuss strategies to support individual students learning needs.
  • Dedicated classroom teachers
  • Support staff
  • Leveled classes
  • Community resources
  • Lincoln Public School Special Education Services

When enrolling a student who did not graduate from a Lincoln Catholic grade school please contact the Academic Success Coordinator. The Academic Success Coordinator is in the best position to provide you with additional information about the academic services and resources available #402-488-0931 ext. 56156.

What is a Student Assistance Team (SAT)?

The SAT is a school team, which includes the parent and, when appropriate, the student, in a positive, problem solving, intervention process. It assists students by ensuring that the school and community are doing everything possible to make the student’s school life successful. Based on this shared responsibility, the SAT meets to explore possibilities and strategies that will best meet the educational needs of the students, as well as support teachers and parents.

Writing Resource Center (WRC)

One-on-one help and constructive feedback on writing assignments is available 5th period study hall by scheduling an appointment. Sign up using the appointment book outside of Room 2323. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Sander.

National Honor Society Tutors (NHS)

The NHS Tutoring program is a service for any student who needs help in any subject.  NHS members have offered their free time to help these students in whatever way they can.  The amount of time spent is entirely up to the two students involved and /or the students and teacher involved.  Students should ask their classroom teacher if they would like to work with a NHS tutor.


This is a course primarily intended for students who need extra help with their academics, organizational skills, homework completion, or some extra support with their transition to high school.

Math Resource Center (MRC)

Students may receive math assistance Monday-Friday during 5th period study hall with Mrs. Olson in Room 1106. A pass to visit the MRC may be obtained from the student’s 5th period teacher.

TeamMates Mentoring

Tom and Nancy Osborne founded the TeamMates Mentoring Program in 1991 to help students achieve the goal of graduating from high school and going on for post-secondary education. 

Return to Learn Protocol (RTLP) Procedure


Following passage of the Nebraska Concussion Awareness Act-Amendment in 2014, Pius X High School created a Concussion Management Team (CMT)  in 2013-2014 school year. 

The current CMT process is as follows: 

  • Identify Early
  • Manage Properly
  • Provide Academic Accommodations During Recovery

Information about concussion is also found on our athletic trainer page.

Special Education Services

The Academic Success Coordinator at Pius X High School works in collaboration with Lincoln Public Schools if a Pius X student is recommended for evaluation to receive special education services through LPS. All LPS services that are provided are through pull-out sessions with designated Lincoln Public School special education teachers and support personnel on the Pius X campus.

What are some differences between IDEA (IEP) and Section 504 Plans?


Section 504

Special Education (IEP)


A Civil Rights Act that gives individuals with disabilities the opportunity to fully participate with their peers to the greatest extent possible.

An Education Act, that provides a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to children who qualify under one or more of the 14 broad categories


General Education

Special Education


Provides no additional funding

Provides additional federal funding to states and school districts


All persons with disabilities

Ages 3-21


Section 504 Coordinator

Special Education Director

Service Plan

Accommodation Plan

Individualized Education Program


Any disability, if eligible

14 qualifying categories


Should be involved in all team meetings

Must be involved in all team meetings

Procedural Safeguards

Notice of consent of parents is required

Parent consent and notice required for initial evaluation, placement, and reevaluation

Evaluation and Eligibility

An evaluation is necessary before it can be determined if a child is eligible under Section 504. Documentation can be gathered from a variety of sources instead of completing a formal school evaluation.

Evaluation draws on information from a variety sources in the area of concern. A group decision (including parents) is made with persons knowledgeable about the student, evaluation data and placement options. Written parental consent is not required to evaluate, however prior notice must be provided.

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