Non-Departmental Courses

ABLE – (Acquiring and Building Learning Excellence)

Academic Decathlon (ACADECA)

Media Assistant

Office Assistant

Teacher’s Assistant

Technology Assistant

Course Descriptions

ABLE – (Acquiring and Building Learning Excellence)

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Length: Semester

This course is an assisted study hall that focuses on developing student test-taking skills, study skills, and organization skills. This course is only open to those students who have been identified by teachers, counselors, or administrators as needing extra academic support in a more focused setting. Students need counselor permission to enroll in this course.

Academic Decathlon (ACADECA)

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Length: Year

Academic Decathlon is an accelerated and intensive year-long course of study in science, social studies, math, English (literature, critical reading, and writing), art, music, speech and economics. A new theme focuses the study each year, so a student may take this course more than once. Students are encouraged to participate in at least one scrimmage the first semester. A select group of twelve students will compete in Regional, and if successful, State, and possibly National Competitions. Because students in Academic Decathlon must come from three academic levels (A, B, and C or below) as determined by selected portions of their GPA, students of varying ability and grade will be in class together. Grading standards for this course are adjusted for grade and ability. Summer reading is encouraged.

Media Assistant

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Length: Semester

The role of the media assistant is to help the media specialist carry out the operations of the media center. Duties may include: filing, shelving books, keyboarding, circulation procedures, processing new books and periodicals and assisting patrons in finding resources. As media assistants, students should acquire a deeper knowledge of information sources and how to access those sources. For seniors, this cannot be substituted for one of the six required semester courses.
Pre-Requisites: Librarian Permission

Office Assistant

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Length: Semester

Students will assist in the daily tasks of running the front office, including errands, filing, mailings, and answering phones. For seniors, this cannot be substituted for one of the six required semester courses.
Pre-Requisites: Office Permission

Teacher’s Assistant

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Length: Semester

This course offers students an opportunity to help teachers with simple tasks such as classroom decorating and record keeping. A contract will be required between the student and the teacher. For seniors, this cannot be substituted for one of the six required semester courses.
Pre-Requisites: Teacher Permission

Technology Assistant

Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Length: Semester

Students will assist in tasks. Duties may include: filing, scanning paperwork, be a first responder to computer issues, setting up computers, dispersing new equipment, periodically checking computers in labs to see that all are functioning, once a semester clean keyboards/mice in computer labs, help teachers with non-permissions related issues, and setup microphones. For seniors, this cannot be substituted for one of the six required semester courses.
Pre-Requisites: Network Administrator Permission
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