Our purpose as parents and as a school

by Terry Kathol, Principal

I have been reflecting lately on the core values of Pius specifically on the core value of purpose. What is our purpose? This is a question asked by businesses, and individuals often. The purpose of Pius as a catholic school can be identified within our mission statement. The purpose of Pius firstly is to provide an authentic Catholic education. Without this purpose, we would be no different than other schools within our city of Lincoln. Within this purpose, we must keep Jesus as the center and focus of our education.

At Pius, Jesus as the center of our school happens not just in our theology classes but in all classes. One of the ways this is most visibly evident is through the prayers said throughout the day. When students and teachers pray for intercession, in thanksgiving, or praise of God the focus is on God and His loving work within our lives. By praying with each other and for each other a richer community is developed.

The core value of purpose is not limited to the school as an institution but extends to the members of the school. We know from the catechism that our purpose is to know, love, and serve God. Pius assists parents in the development of our students within this purpose. Students at Pius learn to know God in part through their Theology classes. Here they learn the deep history of the church and, through the study of scripture, can identify God’s divine plan.

Knowing God is a foundation of faith but it takes a relationship of love to help that faith to grow. Pius is truly blessed to have many opportunities for our students and staff to build a relationship with Him and through this relationship grow in our love for Him. It has been inspiring during the past two years to see Pius staff and students developing deeper relationships with Jesus and inviting others into that relationship. There has been a reflection on the love and mercy that God extends to us in our lives and a desire to return this love to Him.

As our love grows a deeper desire to serve often follows. This desire to serve is an inspiration to know and love God more and invites others into our faith community. A cyclical impact develops which inspires others to know, love, and serve God.

The season of Lent invites us into opportunities of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This Lenten season is also an opportunity to reflect on our purpose to know, love, and serve God and invite others into that relationship.

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