Jazz ensemble treats school to Christmas tunes

The Pius X jazz ensemble played Christmas music in front of the front office Friday morning.

It is a tradition for the band to play Christmas music before finals every year, and the band has been working since November to practice the music.

“The music we did is a collection of a bunch of Christmas songs, so we just worked on them one by one,” senior Alison Lundstedt said.

Lundstedt has played in the jazz ensemble since she was a freshman, playing the piano as well as singing.

Many members of the band enjoy the chance to share the effort they’ve put into their music all semester with the rest of the school.

“We do it because most students don’t get to see what we do, and we enjoy getting a chance to share that with them,” senior Maria Butler said.

Butler has played the saxophone in the jazz ensemble since she was a sophomore.

“I think it’s really fun for people to walk down the hallway and hear music and see a whole band in front of the front office,” Lundstedt said.

The band hopes to raise students’ spirits as they prepare for finals.

“I think that it helps people feel happier with a more Christmasy spirit,” Butler said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Grace Langdon

Staff Writer

Photographer: Grace Langdon

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