Office assistants keep students properly identified

Wearing a lanyard is part of the standard Pius X uniform, but what happens when they are lost?

“When a student loses their lanyard, they will need to come ask for a new one from the office,” administrative assistant Judy Brichacek said.

A new student ID picture is printed and is given with a clear case and red lanyard.

All together a new ID and lanyard will cost students $5.

“A new lanyard does cost $5, but the money comes out of students’ lunch accounts,” Brichacek said.

However, if students just forgot their IDs at home, they can receive a single day temporary one.

“A temporary ID is also located in the office,” attendance secretary Jamie Jakub said. “They are yellow paper ones with the day’s date written on them that serves as a substitute for the real thing.”

A temporary ID costs only a dollar and is also paid for with lunch money.

“All the temporary IDs are made here in the office by our student office assistants,” Jakub said.

Every temporary ID is made one at a time by hand.

“Lucy and I make lanyards every day seventh period,” junior Anna Buss said.

The two do so in their seventh period class, where they serve as office assistants.

“Making lanyards is a really fun part of our job,” junior Lucy Ring said. “It’s nice to come sit down and make some after delivering a ton of passes.”

On average, the two make 30-40 lanyards a day, and that’s just during seventh period. There are also various other office assistants who contribute to the lanyard bucket.

“I love making lanyards,” Buss said. “It helps out the office staff, but also the students.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Easton Beekman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Easton Beekman

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