Biology class begins unit with egg-celent experiment

Biology teacher Jesse Andres has begun a new unit with his students and has started off with an experiment.

“I think the hands-on things help kids learn so I try to do as many as possible to keep the class on its toes,” Andres said.

The project involves an egg, a vinegar mixture and corn syrup. When first introducing the project, he encouraged students to draw a face on the egg and name it.

“Me and my friends named ours Marilyn and we even got to draw a face and clothes on it,” sophomore Grace Ross said.

While the egg was in this mixture, its shell melted off the egg and it now has a clear membrane over the entirety of the egg.

“It was fun to get to name our eggs and then see them transform into something different,” sophomore Rue Dohmen said. “His class is super interactive, and we do experiments like this all the time.”

Not only does this experiment help the students learn more about the unit but it also allows them to have a break from notes and lectures.

“It’s good to have a variety of teaching methods because not everybody learns the same and that’s okay,” Andres said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Roxie Prunty

Staff Writer

Photographer: Roxie Prunty

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