Bolts donate blood to help community

A blood drive was held at Pius X in collaboration with Nebraska Community Blood Bank on Wednesday, August 30.

The drive was held in a blood bank van in Pius X’s west parking lot and ran from 10-2.

“What the drive really is, is kids coming together giving blood and helping out their community,” lead organizer Leslie Walters said.

Students above 16 could leave class if inclined to give blood.

Walters said, “We were happy to have anyone come and give blood, any blood donated is appreciated.”

The process of drawing blood consisted of first filling out an application, sterilizing the arm, finding a vein, hitting that vein, and making sure there is a consistent flow.

“I donated blood because I was hoping to help someone or even possibly save a life,” junior Dominic Tran said.

All blood collected stays in Nebraska and goes to places such as Bryan Hospital, The Heart Institute, dialysis centers and Madonna.

“This was actually my first time donating blood but knowing I could be helping someone, and the Grandma’s cream cookies, helped me take my mind off the pain,” junior John Schilmoeller said.

All students who donated blood were encouraged to take a free snack and drink either during or after the drawing of blood.

“It was really awesome to see people coming together to help others,” junior Estuardo Alfonzo said. “Even if we don’t know who or why our blood is going to be used it is great knowing it will be used to help someone.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Easton Beekman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Easton Beekman

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