Students try bison pizza at lunch

Pius X invited the Local Indigenous Food Training Grant to the school on April 14. The Grant had a stand set up at all the lunches and invited students to try bison pizza.

“We bring in tastier and fresher food for everybody,” Pius X food service director Carmen Goeden said.

This Grant wants to encourage students to try and buy local foods and to try something out of their comfort zone.

“We want all students to be exposed to something new, so it is easier when they reach adulthood,” Goeden said.

But the program does not only help the students, but by buying local food and products, it benefits farmers and the local economy.

“It is a wonderful way to bring in local foods for students to try, especially since Pius is located in a more urban area,” Grant member Alyssa Havlovic said.

Many students tried the bison pizza throughout lunch, and they were asked to give their opinion on a slip of paper and to put it in a box. The Grant did a poll to see if they wanted to bring it into the school or not.

“It was fine, the top part was crumbling but overall, it tasted good,” freshman Maggie Seeman said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Roxie Prunty

Staff Writer

Photographer: Roxie Prunty

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