Alumni Committee

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Purpose.  The general purpose of the Committee is to promote a continuing interest in and support of the educational program, mission, goals and values of Pius X High School.  Accordingly, the Association will:

  • Keep alumni informed of the activities and programs of Pius X.
  • Keep the Alumni Director in the loop of what’s happening with our alumni: graduations, weddings, babies, promotions, etc.
  • Strengthen the ties between former students of Pius X and promote a sense of community among Pius X alumni.
  • Stimulate the interest and activity of the alumni of Pius X.
  • Foster the advancement of Pius X’s reputation as an excellent Catholic school encouraging alumni to participate in the annual Fund for Pius X which supports the overall operating budget of the school and its need-based tuition for deserving families.
  • Encourage alumni and friends of Pius X to use their time and talents toward the promotion of Pius X.

Project Ideas.

  • To establish an Alumni Mentor program with our College aged Alumni and match up with our established Alumni in career choices.
  • Establish and organize 2 events per year with alumni speakers.
  • Select the Outstanding Alumni Recipient
  • Other ideas of the committee to re-engage our alumni and foster a sense of belonging and stewardship.

Committee Members. 

  • Committee members
    •  Will consist of the active Alumni Director, and other alumni of Pius X High School that has a vested interest in the success of our current students and Alumni, and are proud to have gone to Pius X High School themselves.
  • Committee members expectations:
    • Manage and maintain the Mentor program by suggesting current alumni established in their given career who would be interested in being matched up to an alumni college student who is interested in the Mentor’s career field.
    • Organize and host 2 Alumni speaker events per year that will engage our alumni.
  • Time Commitment
    • 4 meetings per calendar year. Hour – hour and a half.
    • 3 year commitment.
    • 2 – 2 hour events per year (alumni speaker series) – Spring and Fall

Management of the committee.  The management of the Association shall be vested in an Alumni Committee, consisting of the Alumni Director and members of the committee appointed by the Alumni Director. Management shall include keeping records of all Members of the Association, promoting the general purpose of the Association, and promoting fundraising for Pius X.

Term.  The Alumni Committee’s members will each serve a term of three (3) years.  The annual term shall begin July 1st and shall end June 30th of each year.

Purpose.  The purpose of the Alumni Committee is to promote the mission of Pius X high School and the Association including, but not limited to, raising awareness within the alumni community, encouraging alumni to become involved with both their time and talents, reviving the alumni community, supporting the Alumni Director, and taking on active roles in hosting and attending alumni gatherings and events.

Meetings.  The Alumni Committee will meet approx. four times a year, at a time and place as determined by the Alumni Director.  Initially, the meetings will be held in January, April, July, and October.  Such future meetings may be held at such times as established by the Alumni Director and communicated to the Alumni Committee members in writing.

Quorum.  A simple majority of the whole number of appointed Alumni Committee members shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of the votes cast at a regularly convened meeting shall be sufficient to approve all matters of business.

Removal.  If, for any reason, an Alumni Committee member fails to uphold the standards of Pius X High School and the Committee, his or her membership on the Alumni Committee may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting thereon.

Resignation. Alumni Committee members may resign at any time by giving written notice of resignation to the Alumni Committee.  A resignation shall take effect at the time specified in the notice or, if no time be specified, upon receipt thereof.  Acceptance of a resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. 

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