AP English Literature

This course is designed to mimic the rigor and style of a college level English course. It is organized around the theme of The Other, using various critical lenses such as Post-colonialism, Gender, Historical, Futuristic, etc. to examine the ways in which Otherness and privilege are prominent in both literature and society and are impacted over the course of time. This class explores various authors from the 18th century to the early 21stcentury, with authors including Achebe, Miller, Wiesel, Austen, Shakespeare, O’Brien, and Huxley. Poetry, short stories, and non-fiction documents are incorporated into each unit with a novel or play as the central text. One independent choice novel is also read each semester. AP test prep will be incorporated into the class for those wishing to take the exam in May. As preparation for the rigor of AP English Literature, students will have a summer reading requirement of two novels analyzed through an essay. During the semester, daily reading assignments, class participation, analytical papers, and a multi-genre project are required elements of this course. In order to take the AP exam, students must enroll in both semesters.

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