Theology III

Catholic Moral Life: In this course the students will learn the rational foundations for a Catholic moral life, with an emphasis on what the Church proposes as a just life, rather than on what they should and should not do. They will learn about God’s plan for the whole human race, and for each individual. They will learn how true knowledge of self leads to the knowledge of God’s goodness at work in their lives, and also leads to love as the fundamental response to this knowledge. They will learn about the true nature of the conscience, about their duty to form and follow their conscience, and about the unique role that Jesus and His Church play in the formation of a Catholic conscience. The students will also address specific moral questions and problems pertaining to sexuality and life issues from the perspective of the teachings of Jesus and His Church.

Social Justice: Social justice is a course aimed at educating the students on the major social issues of our time: hunger, poverty, racism, pro-life issues, liberation theology, labor, just war, peace, and all human rights including religious freedom. The students learn how to apply the principles of social justice to human need, using the great social encyclicals of the Catholic Church.


Theology I

Theology II

Theology III

Theology IV

Introduction to Catholic Theology

AP Courses

  • AP American Government
  • AP Art History
  • AP Biology
  • AP Calculus AB
  • PACE (two-period double course) – AP Physics and AP Applied Calculus for Engineers
  • AP English Literature
  • AP Environmental science
  • AP Human Geography
  • AP Statistics


Art Fundamentals

Studio Art Methods

Drawing / Printmaking

Advanced Drawing / Printmaking


Advanced Painting

Graphic Design

Advanced Graphic Design

Ceramics / Sculpture

Advanced Ceramics / Sculpture

Folk Art

Advanced Folk Art


Advanced Photography


Introduction to Programming

Computer Science

Computer Applications

Business Law


Accounting I

Accounting II

Accounting III

Web Design I

Web Design II

Multimedia Applications I


English I

English II

English III

College Prep Writing

Creative Writing

Classic Literature I

Classic Literature II

Social Literature

AP English Literature

Journalism I

Journalism II


Academic Decathlon

Family & Consumer Science

Food & Nutrition

Housing & Interior Design

Human Relations

Child Development, Care, Guidance, & Parenthood Education

Family Issues

Texting, Clothing & Design

Advanced Texting, Clothing & Design

Introduction to Culinary Arts

Industrial Tech

Small Engines

Machine Woodworking

Advanced Woods—Furniture and Cabinetmaking

Building Construction

Architectural Drafting

Engineering Design I

Engineering Design II


International Languages

  • French I – IV
  • Spanish I – IV
  • Latin I – IV


Algebra Essentials

Algebra I

Differentiated Algebra I


Differentiated Geometry

Algebra II

Differentiated Algebra II

AP Statistics

Trigonometry and Statistics


Advanced Math

AP Calculus

AP Calculus (PACE)


Concert Band

Marching Band

Symphonic Band

Women’s Choir

Men’s Choir

Pius X Singers

Concert Choir

Sotto Voce

Music Theory and History

Music Appreciation

History of Jazz



ABLE – (Acquiring and Building Learning Excellence)

Academic Decathlon (ACADECA)

Media Assistant

Office Assistant

Teacher’s Assistant

Technology Assistant

Physical Education

Only one physical education class may be taken in a semester.

Girls Physical Education & Health

Boys Physical Education & Health

Strength And Performance

Boys Fitness, Recreation, And Sport

Girls Fitness, Recreation, And Sport

Lifetime Sports And Introduction To Officiating


Physical Science



Earth, Energy and Environment


Accelerated Physics

Anatomy and Physiology

AP Environmental Science

Advanced Chemistry

AP Biology

AP Physics (PACE)

Social Studies

World Geography

AP Human Geography

World History

U.S. History

American Government


Contemporary History

Introduction to Philosophy

AP American Government


Human Relations

Family Issues

Speech / Drama / Forensics

Acting I

Acting II

Speech Communication

Competitive Public Speaking and Oral Interpretation

Play Production

Film Production

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