Student Council sells candy canes to boost Christmas spirit

On Dec. 4, it was announced that Student Council would be selling candy canes for one dollar in the back of the cafeteria.

After that, numerous students stood up and made their way back to surprise their friend with a candy cane the week before finals and Christmas break.

“The purpose of selling the candy canes is to make people feel good about finals, encourage them and wish them a Merry Christmas,” senior Hannah Tlamka said.

The money from the sales is going to the Student Council fund, which helps other student body activities such as spike ball and homecoming. This however isn’t the first year that Pius X has done a candy cane sale.

“The candy canes sales are becoming a tradition for Student Council,” said senior Morgan Armagost, Student Council president. “Hopefully, it’s something students will look forward to each year.”

To make this sale happen, Student Council had to go through a lot of steps, including putting together a committee, promoting the sale, then getting all the information and names of the people who were to be gifted with a candy cane by their friend.

“It’s a great idea to gift your friends something the week of finals,” freshman Cael Morris said. “It’s something nice to do.”

Student Council handed out the candy canes on Dec. 16.

“The motivation of this sale is to promote a positive environment,” Armagost explained. “And to help with the stress level and holidays.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Ehva Manuylo

Staff Writer

Photographer: Ehva Manuylo

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