Vocal groups host junior high honor choir

Pius X choirs performed for junior high honor choir on Nov 11. The honor choir was made up of students from sixth to eighth grade from around Lincoln.

The performance’s point was to show the music department and to possibly recruit people in honor choir to join choir in high school.

Members of the honor choir arrived in the morning and shortly after they arrived, they took part in a Mass held in the LPAC.

Later during the day, Pius X choir director Shani Sorensen taught them a song that they performed that evening. She also gave them a few words of wisdom for pursuing music.

“Always audition, you never make a shot you don’t take,” Sorensen said.

The last performance was done by an all-women’s choir, Laudamus.

Following shortly after the performance, the honor choir performed live and did a dress rehearsal for their concert.

“I definitely want to join choir,” St. Teresa eighth grader Gisella Rutledge said. “They look like a big family, I want that.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Roxie Prunty

Staff Writer

Photographer: Roxie Prunty

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