Talking about our faith

Right before COVID entered the world we had anonymously surveyed our students on their faith lives covering a variety of topics. Most of the results were what would be expected. Results such as 88.5% of our students feel that God loves them personally. Or 80% of our students say it is important for them to go to Mass on Sundays. Between 80-90% of our students are proud to be Catholic and to attend a Catholic School.

I love this school. I love what is going on in our school. But I see the challenges surrounding our school and the challenges our students face. Things like social media, finding a niche, daily pressures from peers or family or society. But one of those challenges surprised me.

I just finished my classes at Benedictine College this summer. I’ve been taking them online throughout this past year after getting called back to the Diocese to come to serve at Pius last year. One of the areas we discussed in our classes was partnering with parents. When we at Pius X asked our students if they talk about their faith with their parents each week, these were the results:

  • 6% – Very Often / Almost Always
  • 29% – Sometimes
  • 65% – Seldom / Never

We want to partner with our parents in fostering the faith with your children, but we need your help. We crave your help. Parent involvement looks different in high school. It isn’t just about how present in the school you are anymore. The most important thing parents can do is ask good questions and raise the expectations at home. An example of this is talking to your child about what their life after high school looks like. Maybe talking to them about college or a career to help them know that they have the gifts to succeed in life and that high school has implications beyond just a class or grade.

The same is true of their faith. If we start to ask our students and your children better questions about their faith, we will learn where they are struggling and where they are growing. We can share our own journey and help one another deepen our relationship with God…or maybe begin a relationship with God. If you struggle in this area, maybe carving out time each morning to read a little Scripture and discussing it with your child. Maybe it means listening to a new podcast like the Bible in Year and talking to your child about what comes up. Maybe it is an area where we need healing and we listen to Dr. Bob Schuchts and his Restore the Glory podcast. There are so many resources out there for us to grow. If we model a heart that is open to growing with the Lord to our students then they internalize that in ways we may never know. How many stories I have heard as a priest of things Catholics witnessed their parents doing that greatly effected how they lived their life!

“I saw my father praying his Bible every evening.”

“I saw my mom praying the rosary.”

“I knew my grandma’s favorite prayer.”

“We prayed before meals and discussed the graces in our lives.”

I could go on and on. But the impact lasted a lifetime. Please, please, please take a moment right now and ponder how each of us can open our hearts to a better relationship with God and how we can share that with our families this month. A small step is an important step and can change the course of our lives and your children’s lives.

We need your help. We crave your help!

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