A new year, with a counseling office ready to help

From Shelly Pick, Director of Counseling

I am overjoyed to be the first person to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year! To the members of our freshman class, I hope you have the best four years, ever! I would also like to extend a special welcome to families who are new to Pius X. Please let us know if there is anything you need as we move forward. And to our returning families, we feel blessed to be of service to you. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives.

Only in education do we get the ability to start over each year and begin to travel down a new road. I hope every member of the Pius X family has had the opportunity to get some rest, relaxation, and an opportunity for refueling. Summer is a time for discernment. We have the chance to reinvent who we are as we grow and mature. Our newfound awareness and understanding helps us to put together a plan of action. While we do this on a personal level, we also do this at the school level.

In the Counseling Center, we work hard to walk along-side students and do our best to be loving AND hold them accountable for their learning and their actions. We genuinely want to help students with whatever trial or tribulation they may encounter. Last year, we began a partnership with the Immaculate Heart of Mary Counseling Center, and it will continue this year. Licensed Mental Health practitioners will be on campus to regularly meet with students who have been referred by their school counselor. These services are provided on site, at no cost to you or your student. We do our best to schedule students at a time that works with their class schedule and sessions are approximately 30-45 minutes in length. For students to be seen by the Immaculate Heart of Mary staff, parents are asked to fill out some information and return it to Pius X before the first session occurs. You will be receiving more information once the school year is underway, especially if your student has been referred.

I would like to remind you that your student has been assigned a counselor and we ask that you contact that person with any questions you may have. The assignments are as follows:

Mrs. Pick A-Do
Mr. Isaacs Dp-Kr
Mrs. Freudenberg Ks-Pl
Mrs. Psota Pm-Z

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