Varsity tennis drops opening dual to East

The varsity girls tennis team played against Lincoln East on Thursday, April 31 at Woods and lost 1-8.

“It was our first match so it exposed lots of things for us to work on,” Coach Nolan DeWispelare said. “We did some things well, but we made too many errors to be able to stay close in the individual matches.”

One of the first matches on court was a doubles match with the team of senior Aly Woita and junior Domi Pace.

The first game for them was close, but East won the deuce, making it 1-0.

The next four games followed a similar pattern, with East winning them all and stretching the lead as the games progressed.

“We struggled with our groundstrokes, as well as serving consistently,” Woita said.

However, Pius X was able to sweep East in game six and won it without giving up any points, making it 5-1 East.

Game seven was closer, but Woita and Pace were able to pull through, winning it and bringing their scores slightly closer, 5-2 East.

“We excelled at net-play, as well as communication,” Woita said.

In game eight, East got a sizable lead over Pius, and despite faulting in the net several times, they were able to win this game as well, 6-2 East.

Game nine was very close and had the two teams going back and forth between deuce and ad, but Pius X won it after East hit it into the net.

East was able to win game 10, and despite Pius’ attempts to keep up with them in game 11, they lost on a volley from East in the match point, so East won, 8-3.

Despite this and the other losses, Woita is still confident and looks on the bright side.

“It was a good first meet because people got to see what varsity is like,” Woita said. “And it will help them build their experience and then we can take that and improve on it.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: JD Stempson

Staff Writer

Photographer: JD Stempson

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