Peter J. Wunderlich Memorial Fund

Pete’s all too brief time on the earth was full.

He was born to his globetrotting U.S. Air Force family on an air base in Okinawa, Japan and commenced charming everyone with his effervescent smile and loving personality. As a boy growing up, Pete was always one to keep a sharp eye out for others who were bullied and intervened on their behalf.

While still in high school at Pius X, he started working at Big Boy Restaurants and showed promise to the corporate staff so much so that they sent Peter to their managerial training immediately upon his graduation. As the GM in a few locales, Pete quickly demonstrated his caring skills for his staff, quite often guiding them to a better life.

Tragically, Pete died far too young when, on a mountain fishing trip with his friends, he passed in a tragic motor vehicle accident. He left behind his children, Jeremie Wunderlich of Lincoln, NE, John Wunderlich (Sarah Stone ’94) of Lincoln, NE, and Sarah Wunderlich of Portland, Oregon. Peter would have adored his amazing grandchildren, Riley, Gracie, Octavia, Sophia, and Thomas.

To create a special memorial for her brother, Annette Stier asked her siblings and other family members to join her in investing in a new fund to benefit Pius X students in Pete’s name. Family members in Lincoln and across the country gave toward the Peter J. Wunderlich Memorial Fund for their Christmas gifts to one another, adding special meaning to their family Christmas gift exchanges. Established February 10, 2021, the Peter J. Wunderlich Memorial Fund will be a legacy of Pete’s kind impulse to make anyone crossing his path more joyful and fulfilled, by forever helping to enrich Pius X students’ high school experiences.

Wunderlich Peter
Fund Purpose/Criteria
To enrich Pius X students’ high school experiences
Established in 2021

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Endowed Funds at Pius X

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