Gabriel Clark ’19

gabe clark nasaWhat are you studying (your major/minor), and how do you feel Pius X classes and teachers prepared you for your college work?

I am a UNL software engineering major with minors in business and mathematics. My schedule at Pius X was fairly rigorous, especially during my junior and senior years. I would recommend participation in the AP classes at Pius as well as participating in PACE. Academic Decathlon was an excellent program, too! I am grateful for the education I received at Pius and the way it prepared me for my future studies.

What cool/interesting/awesome projects or activities have you been involved in during college?

As an undergraduate assistant in the UNL BIM Lab, I have been working on a fully autonomous rover that will be used to increase the safety of our cities and infrastructure. I participated in a NASA challenge which included the designing, fabricating, and testing of a drilling coring bit for mining lunar rock and ice. My recent work involves building a data gathering system for building autonomous image libraries.

What will you be doing in your internship at NASA?

I will assist with the creation of a model for a lunar mining rover’s descent into a lunar mineshaft. This simulation will help NASA employees understand the intricacies of this specific project as well as generate interest in the future of mining on other planets. My internship will also include support work on a website for the NASA Challenges Program.

What do you hope to accomplish?

My project goals at NASA include the completion of a Lunar Mining Rover simulation and helping the Lunar Mining Team with the software side of their project. However, my goals extend beyond deadlines and this exciting work. To truly benefit from this internship experience, I want to learn as much as I can from the incredibly talented people who comprise this team.  My goals are to collaborate, contribute, and learn; it is an amazing opportunity and I feel truly blessed.

How does it feel to have the opportunity to be spending your internship with NASA?

Humbling. I am continually learning on the job and in perpetual awe of the extraordinary work taking place at The Kennedy Space Center.  Being surrounded by accomplished and intelligent people is humbling, but it is something I deeply enjoy. It allows me to learn from those better than myself, those who model excellence, and those who support my personal and professional development. This humbling opportunity is ideal for developing new skills in a short amount of time!

What have you learned so far?

One of the lessons I learned immediately at NASA is that you can’t ask too many questions.  You must ask questions and listen.  There are hundreds of acronyms and new technologies that are involved with the projects I am assisting with. If you don’t pose questions, you won’t build the necessary basis of understanding essential to solving these problems. And there are plenty of exciting, challenging problems to solve. Another valuable experience has been my work with a very diverse group of engineers and faculty of varying experience levels. The opportunity to explain complicated engineering concepts with teammates from a wide range of experience has deepened my understanding and ability to communicate ideas.  This fine-tuning is invaluable.   

What is the main focus of your internship at NASA?

My early internship work has involved supporting my NASA mentor by producing simulations for a lunar mining rover.  It has also involved furthering the application of artificial intelligence to this rover. These projects have both been immensely exciting and rewarding to work on. The rover simulation project will conclude with my internship, but the NASA team will continue to work on the Lunar Mining Artificial Intelligence Project long after my internship. I am eager to begin my rewarding job each day and my collaboration with this knowledgeable team. They provide immeasurable learning experiences daily and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something much bigger than myself.

Did Pius X prepare you well to continue to practice your Catholic faith, and if so, what do you do to keep active in your faith?

Pius X provided numerous opportunities for me to learn and practice the faith. I am involved in the St. Thomas Newman Center and currently live on campus in Phi Kappa Theta Catholic Fraternity. These Catholic communities have helped me to continue to grow and practice my faith life as a college student.

What are your future plans for more studies, or for a career path?

I am considering a venture in business surrounding artificial intelligence and internet data. There are so many exciting possibilities! I appreciate the strong foundation I received while at Pius and look forward to the future with great enthusiasm! Keep learning and go Bolts!

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