BJ Kreifels ’97

First Food Job: Taco Inn
Current Food Job/Hustle/Passion: Owner of Taco Inn on 70th and “O”
Food Memories: I grew up always interested in food and wanting to create my own “recipe” for things. Sadly they often were inedible! It’s nice being the owner of a restaurant now I can add items to the menu that I love and see if it’s something the public likes as well.
Pius X Memories: I remember eating Taco Inn in the Pius “commons” and people seeing how many tacos we could eat. I also remember working on Friday nights and our dining room being packed before and after a Pius football game.

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Kim Codr-Stockman ’89

It has been such a joy having the ability to work for myself and for my dream to be supported by the community.

Stacie (Bird) Hooks ’97

We started in the restaurant business when I was about 8 years old, but my favorite meals were when we all got together on Sundays after church.

BJ Kreifels ’97

“I grew up always interested in food and wanting to create my own “recipe” for things.”

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