Parent Association Bylaws


The name of the organization shall be the Pius X High School Parent Association (hereinafter called “the Association”).


The Association is an affiliate activity of Pius X High School, which is a non-profit religious corporation operated exclusively for religious, charitable, literary or educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future IRC.


To facilitate communication between school, home and Parish by providing programs and activities that connect parents with/to the school.


To provide parents and teachers with the information to aid in all aspects of education, growth, and development pursuant to and in accordance with the mission of Pius X High School.

To promote good will and cooperation between and among parents, students, faculty, administration, and supporters of Pius X High School.

To direct and coordinate parental involvement for Pius X High School through activities, social functions, projects, and programs.

To foster the political awareness and action of parents as advocates regarding national, state, and local legislation and other public-policy issues which affect Catholic schools as well as the educational rights and opportunities of students and their parents.


A. Membership shall consist of the parents/guardians of all students enrolled at Pius X High School and the faculty and administration of the School.

B. The membership dues shall be determined by the Association Board annually, prior to registration for each academic year, or as needed.


A. The Association Board shall consist of one parent or set of parents from each of the Catholic parishes within the city of Lincoln. Each representative shall be appointed by the Principal of Pius X High School. If a set of parents is appointed to the Association Board, the set of parents appointed must agree that in order to provide for continuity, regular attendance of both parents at Association Board Meetings is preferred.

B. The Association Board shall also consist of these ex-officio (“by virtue of their position”) members: the Superintendent and Principal of Pius X High School.

C. Each “board year” shall begin on June 1 and end the following May 31.

D. The Association Board shall:

Conduct the business of the Association;

Provide general meeting programs of interest;

Form committees as deemed necessary and appropriate;

Review all committee recommendations and report on their final disposition; 5.Review and recommend disbursements of the Association’s funds;

Plan, implement, and review special programs and events on behalf of the Association.
E. Tenure of Association Board representatives, not including the Superintendent and Principal:

The terms of the appointed members of the Association Board shall be three board years;

Each appointed member of the Association Board may be reappointed for a successive term of up to three years so long as individual retains membership as parent of Pius X student.

The tenure of no more than one-half of the members of the Association Board shall expire in any given year.4. A board member who is first appointed to fill out an unexpired term shall finish that term and then commence his/her initial three-year appointment. 5. To aid in the appointment of replacement board members, each departing board member shall work with their parish priest and the Principal to determine a replacement representative(s).


A.The officers of the Association shall be as follows:






B.The duties of the officers shall be defined as follows:

1.The President shall:

a. Preside at all general, special, and board meetings;

b. Call special meetings of the Association when necessary;

c. Appoint board members to serve as liaisons to ad hoc committees, as necessary;

d. Perform such other duties as necessary on behalf of the Association.

2. The Vice President shall:

a. Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence;

b. Perform additional duties designated by the President.

3. The Secretary shall:

a. Record and distribute to the Association Board representatives copies of the minutes of all board, general, and special meetings;

b. Maintain a current file of reports, records, and correspondence of the Association;

c. Be responsible for recording and correcting as amended the By-laws of the Association.

d. Ensure that reports are received from committees of the Association;

e. Perform additional duties designated by the President.

4. The Treasurer shall:

a. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees planning and Implementing Association programs and activities which will involve the expenditure of funds;
b. Maintain records of all receipts and expenditures;

c. Provide at each general membership and each Association Board meeting cash accounting of all income and expenditures;

d. Develop, in cooperation with the other officers, an annual budget covering the period June 1 through May 31;

e. Perform additional duties designated by the President.

5. The Past-President:

a. Is a non-voting member of the board;

b. Shall serve in an advisory role to the board;

c. Perform additional duties designated by the President.


A. An election of officers to serve for the ensuing board year shall be conducted annually at a meeting of the Association Board to be held during the month of May.

B. Officers shall be nominated from among those members of the Association Board whose terms will continue in the ensuing board year. Any association board member in attendance at the May meeting may nominate or second the nomination for any officer.

C. A majority vote of the membership of the Association Board shall be necessary to elect each officer.

D. The election of officers shall proceed in the following order: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

E. A member of the Association Board may serve no more than three consecutive board years in any one office.


A. Meetings of the Association Board shall be held no less than bi-monthly, August through May.

B. For each meeting of the Association Board, the President, or the Vice-President acting in place of the President, shall disseminate an agenda in advance.

C. A majority of the appointed members of the Association Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The quorum shall be based on membership as of June 1st.

D. There shall be at least one general membership meeting during each semester of each school year, with an agenda to be planned and announced in advance.

E. Special meetings of the Association Board or of the general membership may be called at any time by the President, with no less than 48 hours advance notice.


A. Meetings of the Association Board shall be conducted according to the Rules of Order: specific rules may be waived by unanimous agreement of the board members in attendance.

B. Unless otherwise specified in these By-laws, (e.g. election of officers) tallies of votes taken in general meetings, board meetings, and committee meetings shall be based on a majority of total votes cast.


A.The Association shall have the authority to create and dissolve committees as determined appropriate by the Association and the Principal. Committees could be formed or dissolved based on topics or issues of importance at the time. Topics of importance could include:
•Alcohol and drugs
•Spiritual life
•Teacher and staff appreciation•Facilities and grounds

All members of the Association shall be eligible to serve on the committees. The President of the Association shall ask for volunteers for the committees no later than the end of the first quarter.

All committee memberships shall be approved by the Association Board from among those who volunteer, and other recommendations.

The term of service for committee members shall be one board year.

Each committee shall provide a written or oral report on its activities to the Association Board as determined and requested by the President.


A. Resolutions proposing amendments to these By-laws may be proposed by any member of the Association Board upon at least 10-days written notice to the other members of the Board.

B. Once an amendment to these By-laws is proposed with adequate notice, a special meeting of the Association Board may be called to consider the proposal or the proposal may be taken up at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board.

C. Approval of any proposed amendment to these By-laws shall require affirmative votes by at least two-thirds of the members of the Association Board.

D. The approval of any amendment to these By-laws shall be announced in the next newsletter distributed to the general membership.

Adopted: August 12, 2013

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