Water pipe break leads to school cancellation

A pipe burst in the Pius X basement on Thursday, Feb. 20.

The leak was located in the study hall room late Thursday which resulted in a cancellation of school the following Friday.

“It was fairly minor, and luckily it was caught very early on,” attendance secretary Jamie Jakub said. “Mr. Schafers decided to scoop snow in the area and happened to notice it.”

To fix the pipe, a Lincoln Water team had to shut off water to the building, which was the reason for Friday’s cancellation.

The Lincoln Water team resolved the issue Friday afternoon and by Tuesday’s end had set the new concrete over the newly fixed pipe.

“To accommodate for the issue, Monday’s study hall was held in the commons and room 2324 during lunch,” Jakub said.

Towards the end of the school day on Monday, the carpet had dried enough to begin moving the study hall room seating back in.

“I spent my seventh period [study hall] helping out with putting desks and chairs back in the study hall room,” freshman Max Keuten said.

By the end of the school day, several seventh and eighth period study hall students chipped in and managed to move all tables, desks and chairs to their original spots.

“I liked helping out, it gave me something to do other than to sit,” freshman Kian Malzer said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Easton Beekman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Jamie Jakub

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