Kovar captures audience’s attention in final Advent service

The final Advent service was held on December 16, this time featuring a speech by freshman theology teacher Fr. Matthew Kovar. It focused on the final member of the holy family, Joseph.

Ironically, Joseph is the reason that it is called the holy family instead of the perfect family, as unlike his wife and foster child, Joseph was just a regular man who sinned, feared, and doubted. Despite this, Joseph possesses much power and is known as the Terror of Demons.

Kovar told a story about a girl named Riley, who endured a traumatic childhood in which she was abused and trafficked by her father, which would lead her into the adult film industry and substance abuse.

After her father’s death, she moved in with her aunt and uncle, who encouraged her to attend Sunday Mass. However, upon entering the church, she experienced violent convulsions and was institutionalized, where it was discovered she was possessed by a demon.

A priest attempted exorcising her, but it was unsuccessful, until he realized she had unfinished business with her father. He then invoked St. Joseph’s intercession, which led to Riley having a vision of her father accompanied by Joseph.

“He’s a father that still intercedes for his children even now, 2,000 years later,” Kovar said.

Riley would then say that she wished she could have seen her father again before he died, before breaking down into tears and forgiving him.

“I thought it had a good story, a good lesson, and that helped me stay attentive throughout the whole thing,” senior Aldo Horta said.

Despite Joseph being a mere man, the demons feared and ran away from him, showing the power of faith.

“It showed how ordinary people can still end up having an impact on other people’s lives, even if you don’t think it’s impactful at the time,” senior Dax Woita said.

As we enter the final stretch of the Christmas season, Kovar suggests that we look to Joseph for guidance.

“Let him show you who you are and who you’re meant to be,” Kovar said. “How to love, whether it’s to love yourself or the Christ child, and how to live in a way that will make God the Father proud.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: JD Stempson

Staff Writer

Photographer: JD Stempson

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