Counselors host Apply to College Day

The counseling center hosted Apply to College Day in the library on September 24.

It featured representatives from University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), University of Nebraska-Omaha (UNO), Nebraska Wesleyan, Southeast Community College (SCC), University of South Dakota (USD) and College of Saint Mary.

“It was great, they had college representatives down there, they had snacks as well, and everyone seemed very helpful,” senior Cotter Yant said.

Every senior got at least one period to visit the library, but some, including Yant and senior Aldo Horta, got multiple, leading to them having a lot of free time.

“I messed around a lot, but I still applied,” Horta said. “I just applied to UNL, UNO and UNK, it was pretty straightforward.”

According to the Naviance statistics, before Apply to College Day, only 29.8% of students had applied to at least one college, but after it, that number had risen to 43.7%, showing that it was greatly successful.

Angela Gonzalez, representative of UNO, helped guide students as they applied, and had some advice for them as they narrow down their options.

“Always take care of yourselves, the pressure does get really hard sometimes,” she said. “Pick the college that’s the best fit for you, not the one that’s being said in your ear.”

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: JD Stempson

Staff Writer

Photographer: JD Stempson

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