Sr. Maria Joseph (Hang Bui) ’10

“I was born and raised in Vietnam. I left my family, my friends, and my relatives in Vietnam to move and study abroad in America. Life in America in the early days were full of struggles and difficulties.

However, God had a plan. He planted me at Pius X High School where the soil is rich. Not only did I receive the best education there, but my faith also grew quickly. I loved being at Pius X, where I could visit Jesus in the chapel every day – my life was rooted in Him, my thirsty soul was nourished by the running stream. In addition, I was surrounded by holy priests, religious sisters, passionate teachers, and faithful friends. The theology classes, daily Masses, Adoration, and prayer before the beginning of each class nurtured me. The counselors and teachers were always there to help me. I was greatly moved by the example of the teachers there. It was the first time in my life seeing truly passionate teachers, teaching with their whole heart and sharing their faith. They were so patient with me when I didn’t understand the lessons. I couldn’t thank them enough. They are true disciples of God, and I can see the love of God through them.

Pius X High School became my true home. I grew closer to God through prayer and others around me, and through all these things, my vocation started to grow. When I was confused and didn’t know what God wanted me to do, the priests who heard my Confession and the religious sisters teaching there were there to guide me. I believe I would not have been able to fulfill God’s Will without my time at Pius X. It helped me to overcome my struggles and strengthen my faith. I believe the people there were God’s gift to me when I was facing challenges in my life.

To me, school means more than just education. It’s about the faith I received, the friendships I have made, the help from passionate teachers and caring counselors. I am so thankful for my time, and I am proud to be an alumna of Pius X High School.”

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