Pius Players hosts Sing and Swing event

The first Sing and Swing in the Spring was held in the Pius X old gym on May 3.

This event was hosted by Pius Players to fundraise for next year’s productions. This event consisted of singing, swing dancing, and escape rooms.

“Sing and Swing in the Spring is an event for people to come together and learn how to swing dance, while some people in Pius Players are singing,” crew vice president senior Madelyn Egelhoff said. “It was a good opportunity to gather people together and just have fun.”

Some students, including junior Jackson Roberts, went into the event not knowing much about swing dancing, but they caught on quickly.

“I walked in there knowing basically nothing and walked out feeling very confident about knowing more than just the basics of swing dancing,” Roberts said. “Me and a friend realized that we danced well together, and we just kept going and we felt like we were very good at what we were doing.”

This event succeeded in not only raising money for the theatre department, but also bringing people closer together and providing a break from the stress of the last few weeks of the semester.

“It was a good time to just relax and not worry about the stress of life and finals coming up especially for seniors because this is one of the last times that they can hang out with their fellow Pius Players,” Egelhoff said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Cassie Schlautman

Staff Writer

Photographer: Cassie Schlautman

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