Students honored for academic success at awards night

The Pius X awards night recognized students for their hard work in academics throughout the school year on April 29.

Principal Terry Kathol welcomed all the students and parents who were in attendance and congratulated the students for all their hard work.

“It felt good to be recognized in the classroom because I feel like I am usually recognized for sports, but I am glad more people get awarded for their grades,” sophomore Libby Preister said.

All the departments gave out specialized awards to students of each grade. This included English, world languages, math, science, social studies, theology, and the fine arts.

“I was pretty excited because I work really hard in journalism, so it was nice to be recognized,” senior Lillian Wesely said.

All the freshmen who received a 4.0 GPA for one semester were recognized.

“I was super proud to have a 4.0 and really happy I get an award for it,” freshman Kate Diederich said.

This same award was given to sophomores, juniors and seniors.

“I am glad that I have been able to keep my 4.0 for this long,” junior Lauren Steckelberg said.

The seniors who maintained a 4.0 GPA where also awarded a Knights of Columbus award and medal that will be worn on their graduation day.

“I felt honored because the committee said it was a big achievement to get this Knights of Columbus medal,” senior Cora Halverson said.

From the 'X-change' Student Newspaper

By: Blair Bergevin

Staff Writer

Photographer: Blair Bergevin

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