Nate Fiedler
Parents: Jessica and Douglas Fiedler
School(s) attended K-8: St. Michaels
Favorite place on campus: I enjoyed being in the ceramics room as I loved working with clay and coming up with designs in the art room.
Activities at Pius X: I was involved with Pius Players and Speech Team.
What is/was your favorite class at Pius X, and why? I loved Spanish 3 with Maestra Bonkiewicz and English 2 with Mrs. Allen as both of those classes had fun subject materials and great teachers to go along with it. Especially considering the projects in both classes. I also loved Intro to Culinary Arts as I got to learn more about cooking.
How has your faith impacted your education, or how has your education impacted your faith? I definitely have grown more in my faith due to theology classes. Particularly Theology 3 and 4 where we get to learn more in depth parts to our faith.
What are you most proud of about your time at Pius X? My contributions to Pius Players by helping design smaller set pieces or organizing the props alley.
Where are your plans after high school (college, military, job, etc.)? What do you plan to study? I will be attending UNL and majoring in Architecture. I also hope to continue working with theater and help with designing certain elements behind the scenes.