December 16, 2024

Second semester schedules

Second semester schedules will be sent out by email on Thursday December 19th. It will go to the student Pius email and the parent emails.

Academic Decathlon team competes in second scrimmage

The Academic Decathlon team competed in their second scrimmage on Dec. 12th. The team competed at Bellevue East The team coach is Mike Katalenich. He has helped coach for four years. “At the last competition we did very well,” Katalenich said. “But at the one scrimmage we were at we did very well we took

Meeting information for Junior students and families

School counselors at Pius X meet with each family in the junior class starting Jan. 13 until Jan. 28. Counselors will discuss potential future school, college and career options for the student. Families may begin scheduling Junior/Parent/Counselor Meetings on Thursday, Jan. 2nd at 6pm. Schedule your appointment at For meetings during regular school hours,

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