Ashley (Haug) ’09 Bush
Ashley (Haug) ’09 and husband, Dr. Garrett Bush welcomed their 3rd daughter Hunter Joy. She joins her big sisters, Sloan Marie and Chandler Grace.
Ashley (Haug) ’09 and husband, Dr. Garrett Bush welcomed their 3rd daughter Hunter Joy. She joins her big sisters, Sloan Marie and Chandler Grace.
Mary (McManus) ’17 and Philip Turner ’18 welcomed their second baby boy, Oliver in October. He joins his older brother Martin (1).
Caroline (Haug) ’07 and husband Ben Velting have a son, Banner Thomas Velting.
The very heart of the Church, and therefore our school, is to bring people to a deep encounter with Jesus Christ.
Advanced chemistry students participated in a hands-on calorimetry lab during class on Tuesday, Nov. 28. The lab consisted of completely burning a Cheeto under a pop can filled with water to determine temperature change, allowing students to calculate the calories within the Cheeto. “Basically, you light a Cheeto on fire over a soda can full