November 30, 2023

College planning information for juniors and their parents

Shelly Pick, Director of Counseling, has created a Power Point presentation, ‘The College Admission Process‘ to begin preparing junior students and parents for junior meetings which will begin in January. This is the first step in formally preparing for life beyond high school. Please be sure to check out the Power Point that also can […]

Ashley (Haug) ’09 Bush

Ashley (Haug) ’09 and husband, Dr. Garrett Bush welcomed their 3rd daughter Hunter Joy. She joins her big sisters, Sloan Marie and Chandler Grace.

Advanced chemistry students burn Cheetos to learn about calorimetry

Advanced chemistry students participated in a hands-on calorimetry lab during class on Tuesday, Nov. 28. The lab consisted of completely burning a Cheeto under a pop can filled with water to determine temperature change, allowing students to calculate the calories within the Cheeto. “Basically, you light a Cheeto on fire over a soda can full

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