February 15, 2023

Engineering Design II

Advanced Mechanical Design expands upon the Computer Aided Design skills learned in Introduction to Engineering Design. Students will construct highly detailed drawings, research careers dependent upon mechanical drawing, design complex assemblies and learn 3D graphic communication.

Engineering Design I

In this course, students use 3D solid modeling design software to help them design solutions to solve proposed problems. Students will learn how to document their work and communicate solutions. The major focus of the IED course is to expose students to the design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts,

Architectural Drafting

Architectural drafting provides basic information necessary for planning various types of dwellings. It presents basic instruction in preparing architectural working drawings in a Computer Aided Design environment. Students learn to design, plan and draw their own set of house plans.

Building Construction

Students have an opportunity to explore the building trade. Work experience is provided in several areas of construction. Special emphasis is placed on proper techniques and terminology so that the student may understand and become acquainted with generally accepted carpentry practices and the use of modern building materials.

Advanced Woods—Furniture and Cabinetmaking

This course expands on the skills developed in Machine Woodworking. Students will learn about careers in the cabinetmaking industry; apply design elements and principles to create functional and attractive cabinets; produce and install base and wall cabinets; and learn advanced operation and maintenance of hand tools, power tools and stationary equipment.

Machine Woodworking

Machine woodworking provides exploratory experiences in woodworking techniques, the use of different materials, individual craftsmanship, and exposes students to various woodworking occupations. Students learn the safe use of power tools along with the different processes that may be performed with these machines. This course will meet the Life Skills requirement.

Small Engines

This course is designed to guide students in the procedures of assembly and disassembly and direct their work in an orderly fashion while they investigate the workings of the small four-stroke cycle and two-stroke cycle gasoline engines. This course will meet the Life Skills requirement.

Introduction to Culinary Arts

This course is recommended for students who have successfully completed “Food & Nutrition” and have a passion for food. This course will help further develop culinary knowledge and skill through course work and laboratory experiences. Course topics range widely but include such areas as using fresh herbs and spices, quick breads and yeast breads, and

Advanced Texting, Clothing & Design

Advanced Textiles, Clothing and Design increases fashion knowledge and develops advanced construction techniques. Students review basic aspects of textile planning, construction and care and then explore aspects of the fashion industry through self-guided study. Students complete intermediate to advanced level projects requiring increasingly difficult sewing and sewing techniques. Students will be expected to provide all

Texting, Clothing & Design

This production course involves students in every aspect of textile planning, selection, and care. It includes elements of design and redesign; pattern selection and fit; and sewing equipment and tools. Students will not only complete projects such as clothing items, handbags or quilts; but will also explore the historical and multicultural aspects of clothing and

Family Issues

In this course students will develop the communication, reasoning, and coping skills necessary to resolve such issues as death, illness, drug and alcohol use, loneliness and abuse. They will also develop an understanding of crisis as a normal part of family life and develop empathy for the individuals involved. After considering the effects of these

Child Development, Care, Guidance, & Parenthood Education

This course prepares individuals to understand children’s physical, intellectual, emotional growth and development, as well as their care and guidance. This program draws on aspects of the social and biological sciences of which Family and Consumer Sciences are a component. Observation and actual experiences with children and their parents are integral parts of the program.

Human Relations

This course prepares students to understand the nature, function, and significance of human relationships within the family/individual units. This includes instruction in the concepts and principles related to various family living conditions; the establishment and maintenance of relationships; and the preparation for marriage and family life. Instruction emphasizes the uniqueness of families and individuals, the

Housing & Interior Design

This course will take a look at how housing satisfies the individual differences and requirements for a sense of security, self-expression and the formulation of values and attitudes. The course covers how a person’s choice of furnishings and equipment are the means of adapting a housing structure to meet personal or family psychological, socio-cultural, physical

Food & Nutrition

Food choices are a result of our psychological and physiological needs. These needs reflect our food knowledge, experience and the environment around us. In this course we will gain knowledge of food nutrients and their sources. We will also work to develop the necessary cooking skills to prepare and preserve foods, with the intent of

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