March 10, 2021

Classroom activity goes dark in French class

Students in a few French classes went into the dark to learn about historical French people, with the dark classrooms simulating a catacomb (sort of an underground cemetery). Biography information was posted on walls around the classroom, and students used flashlights to read and take notes. This class is taught by Mandi Barker.

Spanish students connect with younger students with books, Zoom

Spanish IV students created and read books in Spanish, with students voting for their favorites. Those students (Elle, Paul and Gemma) read to St. John the Apostle School kindergarten students via Zoom, continuing a slightly different annual tradition but making it work. The younger students sent thank you notes and pictures back to the Pius

Anatomy classes use drawings to learn

A new project has been introduced in Jenna Steenson’s anatomy classes. Students were given the task to pick out a character from any Disney movie and to create a diagram of their digestive system. Students were asked to label structures such as the gall bladder, appendix, and esophagus. This project gave students the opportunity to

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