Service Hours Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a signature for my service hours?

No. The online system eliminates paper forms and signatures. However, you MUST provide a name and email address for a supervisor when you submit your hours online. Do not forget to ask for these when you volunteer.

How do I know if my project supervisor has verified my hours?

When you submit your hours and list an email for your activity contact person, they will receive a verification email. You will not be notified when your activity contact has verified, denied, or changed your hours. However, you can view the status of each individual project on the “ACTIVITY” tab. There, it will list the service projects that have been submitted. Click on the project(s) that you are curious about. If your hours have been verified, it will say “VERIFCATION” and have an envelope icon. If the hours have not been verified, it will not say “VERIFICATION” or have an envelope icon.

How do I know when my hours are approved by the Campus Minister?

Once the supervisor verifies your hours online, hours will be eligible for approval by the Campus Minister. Go to the “ACTIVITY” tab and click on the project(s) you are curious about. There will be a green check mark icon under “APPROVED” if the hours have been  approved by the Campus Minister. If the hours have not been approved by the Campus Minister there will be no icon under “APPROVED”.

Why were my hours denied?

Your supervisor or the Campus Minister could have denied your hours. If your hours have been denied by your supervisor, there will be a crossed out envelope icon next to “VERIFICATION”. If the hours have been denied by the Campus Minister there will be an X icon under “APPROVED”.

There are multiple reasons why your hours may have been denied. The first step is to log into your account and see if a note was left regarding their denial. You can view this comment by clicking on the project in the “ACTIVITY” tab. The most common reason for a denial of hours by the Campus Minister is the hours do not meet the service hour guidelines (i.e. completed at an unapproved organization).

Why haven’t my hours been approved yet?

There are a number of reasons your hours may still be pending:

1. Your supervisor has not verified your hours yet. This is very common.

  • Check the “ACTIVITY” tab to determine if your contact has verified hours and remind them to do so.
  • Check that you typed the activity contact’s email address correctly. If there is a typo, create a new entry or see the
    Campus Minister.

2. You did not apply the hours to “PXHS: Class of 2021”. If you do not apply the hours to “PXHS: Class of 2021” the Campus Minister will not be able to approve your hours.

I still need my hours verified by my supervisor. What should I do?

First, check back with your contact person to make sure they received the email from MobileServe. Politely remind them that hours must be verified online through MobileServe before you can receive school credit, as this takes the place of their signature. MobileServe will send an email reminder every two days. If your contact person is unable to verify your hours online, please contact the Campus Minister IMMEDIATELY to arrange another method of verification. Do not wait to make these arrangements as there may not be time before the deadline to do so.

NOTE: MobileServe only sends supervisor emails once every two days so supervisors don’t get spammed with emails if a large number of students use one person as a supervisor. The supervisor can go back to the most recent MobileServe email they received with a verification request and click on the link again to see all new requests that have been made. If there are outstanding requests that the supervisor has not verified, they will receive another email with all those unverified requests after 2 days from the first email.

My supervisor accidentally deleted the email from MobileServe for verifying my hours.

If your contact person deleted the verification email or cannot find it, you may resend the email. Log into your account and locate the appropriate project in the “ACTIVITY” tab. Select “EDIT” and click “UPDATE HOURS”. If your supervisor is still having trouble see or email the Campus Minister. If you typed the email address incorrectly, you can edit your entry and re-enter it.

I’m having trouble with the MobileServe website (i.e. forgot password). What should I do?

MobileServe is an independent company contracted to organize/verify all service projects for Pius X High School. All issues with the website itself must be directed to MobileServe. If you forgot your passcode, go to and click “Reset Password”. Please go to the MobileServe Support Center before contacting the Campus Minister.

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